A New Chapter: My Journey to Ireland

As the saying goes, “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” In December 2022, I embarked on a journey that marked the start of an exciting new chapter in my life. I moved to the enchanting land of Ireland to pursue my studies.

27 December 2022, It was my last day in Mongolia. Strangely, I saw a rainbow from the window of the airport.

The decision to move was not an easy one. Leaving behind the familiar and stepping into the unknown always brings a mix of emotions: excitement, nervousness, and a sense of adventure. But I knew that this was a step I needed to take, a step towards growth and self-discovery.

Choosing the right airline for such a significant journey was crucial. After much research and consideration, I decided on Turkish Airlines. Known for its excellent service and comfortable flights, it seemed like the perfect choice for my journey to Ireland.

at Turkish airport with the Museum

The journey to Ireland was filled with anticipation. As the plane descended and the lush green landscape of Ireland came into view, I felt a surge of excitement. I was about to call this beautiful country my new home.

Settling into a new country is always a challenge. From understanding the local customs and traditions to getting used to the weather, every day brought new learnings. However, the warm and welcoming nature of the Irish people made the transition easier.

Some interesting statues when I saw them for the first time in December.

The first few months were a whirlwind of new experiences. Starting my course, exploring the city, and making new friends – every day was an adventure. Despite the challenges, I was falling in love with Ireland.

As I look ahead, I am filled with a sense of anticipation and excitement. I am eager to see what this new chapter has in store for me. Here’s to new beginnings and the journey ahead!

Since my journey began in December 2022, I’ve had the privilege of experiencing many fascinating stories and adventures. Each one has been a stepping stone in this incredible journey. As I continue to explore and learn, I promise to keep sharing these stories with you. Please stay with me on this journey.

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